Monday, 18 June 2007

Port du Bales and the Col du Peyresourde

Sunny ! And today I had a more significant ride planned, a loop involving two of the climbs we'll be heading over in the Tour route. They also feature in the Etape du Tour this year.

Although the lady in the campsite* reception was very cheery and would not stop talking, she didn't seem to know too much about the Tour de France etc. I'd half expected the locals to be giddy with excitment at the tour and the etape coming by, but I guess when your garden backs onto the Tourmalet (been used over 70 times in the tour), nochalance is to expected.

*awesome facilities by the way, almost took a photo before I realised it would look suspect. In England Municipal is usually associated with 'dump', but here it normally means very good camping.

The massive bonus was that as I arrived at the bottom of the valley on this loop I had made up from a map I had bought, I latched straight onto the back of a group of French Club cyclists doing exactly the same as me. After a good chat and lots of astonishment at the objective of letour, they said it would be fine if I joined their group.

Cut to the chase...the Port du Bales is hard, over 8% for lots and it rises over 1200 metres from the hot valley to alpine meadows. The roads are being repaired and there are lots of trees for shade, but make no mistake this is where the action will be in a few weeks time.

I think I ran out of food because my legs felt very weary as I headed to the Col de Peyresourde....wearier than they have been for some time.

This climb is more like a 'normal' climb, long and hot but with a lesser gradient. There was a creperie on the top and as I tucked into my sixth 'crepe au sucre', I felt the energy returning to my body.

There will be lots of beaten riders by this stage on the etape I am sure, let's hope also not on letour2007.

The total ride was 85 miles and I now feel a little bit more trepidation at what we have in store. This was a hard day, and it's getting hotter.

But training is now essentially over...that's it after a month on the road.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Enjoyed the training, can't wait for the tour to start. Very easy reading from my armchair...! See you for beer on Thursday